
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures serving, laughing, crying, hoping, praying, playing, reading, doing, coming and going.

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I Should Be Going Back Today

I Should Be Going Back Today

....but I'm not.

Instead, I'm sitting at my desk, writing about it. Writing about how I'm NOT going back to Haiti today, for what would have been my third time. And yet, God is still so, so very good. 

There's been some civil/political unrest in the country recently due to a threatened increase in gas prices, which would be detrimental to Haitians and their survival. It seems like the enemy uses whatever means he can to cripple people. It's so unfair, but the Word tells us, what satan means for harm, God will use for His glory. I believe that.

Haiti Fuel Protests(2).jpg

The US Embassy raised the travel level to a "4" - which means, in short, that our trip for July was cancelled. Thankfully, the threat level was lowered back down to a "3" a couple of days ago, which means that things are returning to normal in Haiti now. But, a little too late for us to make the trip this week. As heart broken as I am, I know God knew this would happen - none of this is a surprise to Him.

I wasn't even planning on going in July. I lost my job (which was honestly a blessing!) in May. I've enjoyed being home and spending time with my family, working around the house, reading, studying, volunteering, learning new things...I'm not sorry that the enemy thought I would suffer with a job loss. Removing me from a toxic environment? Blessings. Total blessings. I was able to take classes at Equip International - (CHE - Community Health Evangelism) - which was a-MAY-zing! I learned SO much. I absolutely LOVE being down there and meeting people from all over the country who go all over the world to spread the Gospel and Jesus's love. 


Anyway - no, I wasn't planning on even going back to Les Anglais in July due to finances. Knowing that Jesus even allowed me to go TWICE, I was ok with not going back for awhile. But a few weeks ago, I got a call out of the blue that informed me an anonymous donor had paid for my trip IN FULL. I was in total shock. I couldn't speak, I was out of words. 

Tears. That's all I had...tears. I was overcome with emotion. I'm honestly not sure why...who would do such a wonderful thing for me. I still have no idea who or why. But I'm forever grateful to someone who gave so much. And then, another blessing came when someone paid for my flight. Again...emotions filled my soul. All I could do was cry, pray, give thanks. Two people gave a lot of money, a lot of their time working, to pay for me to go back to Haiti. Just...wow. 

Wow. Thank you, Jesus. You are so, so good to me. And I pray everyday for those people - those two people who will make this next trip possible for me. 

So no, I'm not on a plane right now. But when I go again, the financial burden has been lifted. Praise God! To Him be all glory! 

Yes, I'm a little sad, but I know my ways are not His ways, and His thoughts are far greater than my thoughts. 

All I keep thinking about is Jeremiah 33:3Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. 


October Trip is HERE!

October Trip is HERE!

Two Trips In But Back To The First

Two Trips In But Back To The First